Starting 2015 Off Right

January got off to a bit of a rough start. Actually it started in December when we moved our two year old into a big boy bed so that he wouldn’t be so shocked when the baby came and the crib had a new occupant. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but turned into a multi-week battle of freedom vs obedience. Turns out, much like when my husband was a child, we’re raising a strong willed toddler. I know this will be a wonderful characteristic as he gets older and makes decisions that he can be proud of…that is if he survives his childhood ;)

Even though he’s definitely a strong willed child, Tylyn is also a little lover. He doesn’t have the capacity yet to withhold his emotions, and when it comes to showing affection it’s always a no-holds-barred reaction. I pray that he always loves so deeply and genuinely.

Squish Collage

Sometimes he loves too much, and his friends turn into captives ;)

It’s the best. And even though 2015 has seemingly gotten off to a rough start, I can always count on my little love to snuggle me back into a good mood. But what do you do when your cuddle buddy is down for the night or a nap? You make ice cream and share a scoop (or three) with your other favorite human while you watch “Guardians of the Galaxy” for the 3rd time, that’s what.

More Ice Cream is Better

And I don’t know how it’s possible, or how to say this without sounding braggy, but I think I made the best ice cream ever. Ever. Also – this was another case of “I didn’t expect this to be so amazing, but it really, really was” – so there wasn’t much documentation going on. Don’t let that deter you from making this deliciousness though! You’ll only regret the ice cream you don’t make ;)

Chocolate Buttermilk Ice Cream

2 c heavy cream
1 c buttermilk
7 oz dark chocolate, melted – the higher the quality the better, but you can also use bagged chips like Ghiradeli
7 egg yolks
3/4 c sugar
1/4 c cocoa powder
1/2 tsp coarse sea salt
2 tsp vanilla

Everything here is pretty straight forward as far as ice cream goes. The big difference with the base here is the use of buttermilk instead of half and half or whole milk. I also used a little more salt than I would normally because I felt like it would compliment the dark chocolate well.

Start by melting your chocolate – I just did this in the microwave by stirring after every 30 seconds or so. Set it aside.

Combine your heavy cream and buttermilk in a sauce pan over medium high heat and bring to an almost boil.

In a large bowl whisk together egg yolks, sugar, cocoa, and salt until doubled in volume and fluffy. A ribbon of the mixture should sink back in after two-three seconds when dripped into the bowl.

Mix about 1 cup of the hot cream/buttermilk mixture into the eggs to temper them. Whisk constantly while incorporating the rest of the cream into the eggs.

Pour the entire mixture back into your saucepan, whisk in chocolate and vanilla. Stir with a wooden spoon over medium heat for 1-2 minutes until the custard has thickened enough to coat the back of the spoon.

Strain into a large bowl set in an ice bath and stir until cooled. Okay – I didn’t actually stand at the counter and stir until it was completely cooled – I usually stir for a few minutes and then walk away. I like to come back and stir after maybe 30 minutes, cover the whole thing, and stick in the fridge for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight. The chiller the better.

When your custard is thoroughly chilled pour it in whatever ice cream mixer you have available, and churn according to its directions. Mine awesomely attaches to my Kitchenaid mixer, and takes about 12 minutes to churn out this luscious amazingness.

You can grab a spoon and dig in, but if you’re looking for a more classic ice cream texture/frozeness get this stuff into an air tight container, cover with a layer of wax paper or cling wrap before covering with a lid, and freeze for a few hours. Your patience will be rewarded.

Ice Cream Top

A responsible scoop. This is usually how much my husband wants at at time, but I completely understand if you need to have a few more scoops – I sure did!

So here’s to 2015! Here’s to new recipes, grace for stubborn children, and lot of love :D

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